Here you can find a few of the projects I've worked on!

The Big Stuff

My Gallery
A collection of all of my best art! Some maybe never even seen before...!

Discord Theme - MomoTalk
A Discord Theme based on the chatting app from the game Blue Archive!
It's a bit broken in some places but it's still really cool...!

Rainmeter Skin - Needy Streamer Overload
Mostly made by Smilie Pop
But I worked a fair bit on it, and I like it a whole lot!

The Gothic World of Nyanpire
A scanlation I've made of one of my favorite manga, which sadly never came out in English.
Go give it a read!

The Smaller Stuff

Muse Dash - Animation Extraction Guide
A quick little guide on how to make gifs out of the animations for the game Muse Dash!

Wallpaper Engine - VA-11 HALL-A drinks
A pretty old, but still very cool animated wallpaper I made after playing VA-11 HALL-A

The Even Smaller Stuff

Yuyu's Paper Figures
An old batch for Paper Figures I made a long time ago
They're pretty easy to make, and still look very nice!

That one 29M views video
I have to include this, don't I?
Fun fact, I made the first EVER mod of this game, and no I'm not proud of it

My old Gamebanana account
Fun fact! One of these mods even got a Siivagunner Rip !