Date: 06/03

An Update? No Way!

It's a new start of the month... So it calls for a new blog update!

Have you noticed, the entire main page has been completely redone! The original one was cool, but it felt a little bland. Now it's super busy and even has themes! This is honestly what I had imagined for the site when I first made it, so I'm so glad it became a reality!

I had the idea for this at... 3 am on a random day, but I didn't want to forget, so have the first sketch of this new main page done in 30 seconds on my phone, by a very tired Miya. I guess it looks a little similar, www

The page now has so many cool features... From funny scripts to cool new art, I love it! (I really love how I edited the 'oneko' scripts to use the cats from Little Busters!....) I've even been working on remaking the site logo!

The Sonic page is coming along too... It should be ready next month, since that's when we start playing all the games!! I'm honestly very hyped for it.

Thank you all for the very nice feedback on everything so far, I'm so glad people enjoy it!!!

As for stories... Phoenix Club: Mini will be releasing soon (When Pudding finally gets to it, I don't know what he's up to but I'll link it here when it's done!) I've worked a bunch on it, it was hard, it's not perfect, but I'm still proud of it! It's a fun little silly story, I hope you'll all enjoy it!

(I don't know if I'm allowed to show this, so don't tell anyone...!)

As for my own stories.. Project S Chapter 3... I promised it two months ago.... And last month... And.... It's finally done! It's a fairly important chapter, despite what happens in it. I'll try to get 4 done soon, as 3 kinda ends abruptly, but I still hope you'll enjoy! Coming with it, the previous chapters have been reworked a little, I fixed a few errors, and changed the formatting so that it's better to read. I want it to be of the highest quality! If you have any feedback or questions or anything, please tell me on my guestbook or on Twitter!

(You can read my story here...!)

That's it for now... Lately, I've been watching BanG Dream! Ave Mujica. I've never really touched anything Bandoori related before, and I honestly don't even know why I started watching it. But I was pleasently surprised by it! The way the story is told is super interesting, it conveys feelings in such a unique and understandable way. It also doesn't shove explanations down your throat, you're left having to understand and find out things yourself, something a lot of works miss nowadays... The characters are so full life and are wonderfully written. And the music is suuuuper good! They're all I've been listening to lately lol, I recommend it! CGI anime have been getting really good lately, I love the style of them now.

I've also been getting more into collecting cards... From Sonic the Hedgehog to Pokémon... I finally got my favorite Pokémon Card! It's Nanjamo, my favorite character, drawn by Terada Tera, my favorite artist!

Annd, I think that's it for now! Thanks everyone for keeping up with me, chatting with people and updating the site has been super fun, I'll do my best to release cool stuff for anyone! Goodnight...!

- Miya

Date: 14/02

Funny and cool title

Little tiny quick update to tell you three (or four) [it even said two at first...] things!

First of all, I made a banner for NekoWeb!

Just like the banners on my site, you have a small chance of seeing it every time you visit the main homepage of the entire site! I think it's so cool, and I'm SO happy my submission got accepted! Big thanks dimden and everyone else!

it does look very cool doesn't it...

Furthermore, I did a lot of work on my good friend's Pudding's new pages! He almost updated his entire site, and is still at it doing it! I did the cool new logo for it, and a fair bit of the code too, especially for the home page (i also helped with the color choices, trust me it was necessary...). His site is the reason why I'm even on here in the first place so go give it a look! Now !!!

Also, I'm stealing something from his update that's coming out tomorrow. We're working on a 4Koma tied to the story we're writing, Phoenix Club! I won't tell much details right now as it's far from being done, but I hope it'll be very cool! That'll be the second PheClu manga project I do... It's very tiring to do, but also exhilirating! I can't wait for it to be done lol

here's the thumbnail for it....!

Lastly, my own story, Project S. I promised chapter 3 last month, whoops. It'll happen fairly soon, the first part of it is already written at least! I've said this a few times, but it's such a tricky chapter to get right, it's one of the most importants so I really want it to be perfect. Soon....! I promise............!

Not much else to say... I've read a few mangas, started some anime but didn't really go through them, maybe I will. I wanna try to play more games, I've been very boring lately but I can't seem to get started on anything.

That's it for now, short but sweet! I'm finally on break tomorrow... I can't wait to sleep.

- Miya

Date: 31/01

A Special Kind of Wonderful

It's almost February, and sadly that means that the current season of Pretty Cure has just ended...!

This year, it was Wonderful Precure!, A season really different from what the others had to offer, for a lot of reasons. First of all, the theme is about the bond between animals and humans, something with a lot of potentials!

The start of the series honestly felt super slow, especially since I was watching it real time. Nothing was advancing, there was no real story and the arc of Iroha and Komugi getting mad at each other was really jarring (Especially since it came RIGHT after Hirogaru Sky, which was jampacked with action and tons of twists and turns). That's what I would have said at the time, but looking back on these episodes, they are the reason we grew so attached to these characters. I really loved the Hirogaru Sky characters, but the cast of Wonderful is honestly soo charming, they're really lovely and thats why even filler episodes were a ton of fun. The series still was a little slow after that, with the whole 'Nyammy doesn't want to join the team arc', but once that was over, it actually started getting into the story and being super interesting (I'm still so surprised that this season took THIS long to get the team together, and to even introduce the villains?? It really was experimental). Torame and Zakuro were fine villains, even if a bit basic, their interactions with the cast was very fun, especially how it all got resolved. But even after that, the interactions between the main characters were amazing, Satoru is probably my favorite character, his whole personality and how he bounces off with Meymey and everyone else, and his romantic arc with Iroha introduced some of the best episodes of the season - The episode I stole the title from, 'A Special Kind of Wonderful', is probably one of my favorite episodes of anything ever -.

If I had one thing to say about this series, it's that the ending felt a bit too rushed, they should have given it one or two more episodes and maybe remove some fillers. It feels like the conflict gets resolved way too quickly, which removes a lot of the impact the ending could have had. Still, that second part of the last episode tore me to shreds, I really recommend watching it.

Overall, Wonderful Precure was a great, very fun series. Watching it every week honestly helped getting attached to all these wonderful characters. Iroha and Komugi being so goofy and funny together, Mayu and Yuki being so cute I love them so much, Satoru and Daifuku are both so extremely cool (those last episodesAGGHJLKLL), and Meymey is just extremely charming, I love the floof ball. I'd say I didnt really like Niko-sama? She was kinda annoying, but the biggest gripe with this series - Apart from the lack of fights, which I got used to but still wished we saw more of -, is the under utilised transformations?? Niko-sama has an entire human transformation that's teased for a while and it's used for practically nothing? I thought she'd help the Cures fight or something but no. And the Cures themselves, they have this whole "Ribbon Diamond Style" transformation in every later episodes, but it's ONLY used for the finisher move, we NEVER see them outside of the cutscene, and it's so frustrating every time.

Apart from that, it was super fun, every Precure season tries to do its own thing, and this one really makes its ideas work! I recommend everyone to watch it, it's a fun laid back show that you don't need to think to watch, it's mindless fun with very charming characters. It's wonderful!

Just like with the transition from Hirogaru Sky to Wonderful, it's kind of sad to see that Kimi to Idol Precure releases immediately this week, it doesn't give us any time to breathe after the end of Wonderful, and it immediately switches to the next thing! Maybe a one week break could be nice to give some room... Even the social accounts immediately changed all their art to depict the new season! But honestly, I'm also really looking forward, to this new season, it's once again a brand new take and the characters all look super cute! Hopefully they'll get to fight this time www

- Miya

Date: 28/01

Miya's Insanity

The Sonic Movie 3 finally released everywhere, so of course I'm gonna talk about it, of course!!!

I don't often go to the cinema, so when I do it really makes it seem like a huge moment (maybe because no good movies have been releasing lately lol), but this one really was something else. First of all, unlike the first two, I did not watch ANY trailers - the trailers for Sonic 2 and the Mario Movie honestly kinda ruined my first viewing, modern trailers show way too much of what the movies have, but I've said this thousands of times by now so you should know that - and I tried to stay off Twitter and Youtube as much as possible when it started releasing. It was annoying because it first released on the 20th of December in America, and we were supposed to get it on the 25th. There were first screenings on the 24th, but SOMEHOW, the place closest to me had an even earlier screening on the 22nd! So I got to see it super early, and it was amazing. (Only a little mad because 'Metal Sonic' was trending on twitter the DAY before so I got spoiled of that, but I only saw the name before and nothing else, so I guess it's fine.)

The entire experience in it of itself was amazing. The first Sonic movie was a really fun movie with Sonic, the second one was even better but still was trying to find its footing, but this one, this is THE Sonic movie, it gets everything so right it's insane.

The story is super simple and expected as usual, but it works for this movie, even if some twists were unexpected, like how Shadow's backstory was changed a little, or just some things that happened. It still was full of surprises which I loved!

The one thing that this movie gets right over the other two, is that it actually references the game! From throwaway lines, to graphics and music, there's many little hints for long time fans and it was so much fun! My main complain with the first movies were the lack of game music instead of super generic orchestral movie music. This movie still has too many orchestral tracks to me, but it also has little bits and pieces of actual songs or musical cues, and making Live and Learn a leitmotiv tied to Maria was honestly genius. And talk about Live and Learn, I really did not expect them to actually play it during the movie, I was awaiting it for the entire movie thinking I would not get it, but then it happened during the coolest scene ever and I was jumping up and down in my seat! (It's kinda sad tho how little the actual song was used, the lyrics jumping to the end like that was kinda underwhelming, but overall the use of it was really good)

There are talks about Sonic 4 being only about Sonic characters... I hope that's not the truth. This movie had a perfect blend of humans and Sonic characters, I really enjoyed seeing Tom and Maddie, and the little cameos of other characters (Wade!!!). And my god, Agent Stone? Easily like, weirdly one of my favorite characters in the franchise, he's so charming and well written, it's insane.

This "review" is more me finally gushing out about everything, but I couldn't care less, it was too too good, I'd say it's not only good for fans, but I'd say it's a really good introduction to the series as a whole, and it's being super well received so I can't wait to see more!

I'll stop here before I start going insane, just know that when Sonic said that SA2 line, I recognized it even with the shoddy French translation, and I got so happy about it, it's insane how little things like that can elevate a movie that much.

OKAY i'll stop actually now goodnight woohoo

(oh my god the movie looks so good now compared to the first two, every character looks so vibrant, AND they finally got CGI characters touching human ones!!! They were avoiding doing that like the plague before, but now they actually feel even more real!! it's too good man) [My only gripe with the movie is that it kinda ends a little too fast, like "wow eggman's dead we all saved the world but almost died!! the end.]

- Miya

Date: 21/01

Short and Sweet

To be honest, I thought the last one already happened in 2025, I guess not...>

Happy new year everyone! I'm four weeks late I know... Life has just been so busy lately! Finals are finally done starting today, I got time to rest but I'm still as tired as always now that school has started back up www. For some reason, this semester feels like a fresh new start, maybe because I changed a lot of things about my life in general? I hope things continue to change.

Let's talk about what I've done and what I'm gonna do for the site this month!

First of all, as you can see, the blog page got a huge overhaul. It now has multiple tabs, to make loading easier on the browser, but it also allows me to include cool new pages! (I just found something broken while writing this, I'm so mad lol)>(That issue has now been fixed, awesomesauce)> The guestbook is easier to access now, and there's a whole new Thoughts page! I already explained it within the page itself, but it'll be used to make smaller updates, or just get what I'm thinking of off my mind, kind of like posting on a certain website that has been getting butchered as of late.

I still have big plans for the Blog page itself, but that'll have to wait. In the meantime, have you noticed the music player on the left of here? It looks so nice, I hope you enjoy my selection of cool music. (All of this has been done with my good friend Pudding's help, go check out his site please, I'm also helping him to make it in exchange!)

Lastly, I'm gonna try to release Project S chapter 3 this month. Or at least get it properly started. I have a bunch of ideas for it but they're all foggy and I can't really decide on how to organize them. Hopefully it'll turn out great! I'm also gonna have to make a bunch of drawings for Phoenix Club's new characters, and even just for Pudding's website, it gives me an excuse to draw so it's fine! I... have to get started on all those drawings I'm really behind schedule!! (sorry mister ding)

This will be it for me, (i told you it'd be short... still!) goodnight everyone!

- Miya