Date: 06/03
An Update? No Way!
It's a new start of the month... So it calls for a new blog update!
Have you noticed, the entire main page has been completely redone! The original one was cool, but it felt a little bland. Now it's super busy and even has themes! This is honestly what I had imagined for the site when I first made it, so I'm so glad it became a reality!
I had the idea for this at... 3 am on a random day, but I didn't want to forget, so have the first sketch of this new main page done in 30 seconds on my phone, by a very tired Miya. I guess it looks a little similar, www

The page now has so many cool features... From funny scripts to cool new art, I love it! (I really love how I edited the 'oneko' scripts to use the cats from Little Busters!....) I've even been working on remaking the site logo!

The Sonic page is coming along too... It should be ready next month, since that's when we start playing all the games!! I'm honestly very hyped for it.
Thank you all for the very nice feedback on everything so far, I'm so glad people enjoy it!!!
As for stories... Phoenix Club: Mini will be releasing soon (When Pudding finally gets to it, I don't know what he's up to but I'll link it here when it's done!) I've worked a bunch on it, it was hard, it's not perfect, but I'm still proud of it! It's a fun little silly story, I hope you'll all enjoy it!

(I don't know if I'm allowed to show this, so don't tell anyone...!)
As for my own stories.. Project S Chapter 3... I promised it two months ago.... And last month... And.... It's finally done! It's a fairly important chapter, despite what happens in it. I'll try to get 4 done soon, as 3 kinda ends abruptly, but I still hope you'll enjoy! Coming with it, the previous chapters have been reworked a little, I fixed a few errors, and changed the formatting so that it's better to read. I want it to be of the highest quality! If you have any feedback or questions or anything, please tell me on my guestbook or on Twitter!

(You can read my story here...!)
That's it for now... Lately, I've been watching BanG Dream! Ave Mujica. I've never really touched anything Bandoori related before, and I honestly don't even know why I started watching it. But I was pleasently surprised by it! The way the story is told is super interesting, it conveys feelings in such a unique and understandable way. It also doesn't shove explanations down your throat, you're left having to understand and find out things yourself, something a lot of works miss nowadays... The characters are so full life and are wonderfully written. And the music is suuuuper good! They're all I've been listening to lately lol, I recommend it! CGI anime have been getting really good lately, I love the style of them now.

I've also been getting more into collecting cards... From Sonic the Hedgehog to Pokémon... I finally got my favorite Pokémon Card! It's Nanjamo, my favorite character, drawn by Terada Tera, my favorite artist!

Annd, I think that's it for now! Thanks everyone for keeping up with me, chatting with people and updating the site has been super fun, I'll do my best to release cool stuff for anyone! Goodnight...!

- Miya